28 Nov 2007


Some of Scotland's brightest minds will get the New Year off to a
stimulating start when the University of Dundee plays host in January to
two of the most exciting days in the academic calendar - Discovery Days

31 of the University's newest Professors will deliver quick-fire
lectures - each lasting 15 minutes - detailing some of the cutting-edge
research and academic activity being carried out at Dundee.

The sweep of Discovery Days covers everything from what happens when
sperm meets egg to the experiences of Italian women in the Second World
War. In between lie explorations of why the dentist's drill could
become a thing of the past, how we can make computers `see' and new
approaches to combatting the problem of coastal erosion.

There is also a strong strand of medical and life sciences research
being presented.

Two of the sessions - which take place over January 10th and 11th -
will be chaired by Mike Gilson, editor of `The Scotsman', and the Lord
Advocate, Elish Angiolini. All sessions are open to the public and are
free to attend.

Dundee first established the Discovery Days format two years ago,
giving a wide range of newly-appointed Professors the forum to present
their research, all in quick, snappy 15-minute mini-lectures.

The format proved an instant hit, making leading academic research
instantly accessible and helping develop links across the University
community. The format provides a unique test for the professors, who are
asked to condense often complex and wide-ranging work into their 15
minutes, but it is a challenge they have constantly risen to. It will be
fascinating to see how this year's cohort present their own ideas.

The days will be accompanied by a stunning exhibition of posters.

All of the Professors are available for interview before, during or
after Discovery Days 2008. There will be images available to accompany
each of the lecture subjects. Please contact the University press office
for further information.

The draft programme can be viewed at:

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