5 Jun 2007

Hand in glove success for Bedford College

Students from Bedford College have been awarded first prize and runner-up prizes in a British Glove national competition - looking at safety gloves.

Przemyslaw Pencak on the National Diploma Graphics Course was first and Claire Deacon, on the same course, was runner-up. Przemyslaw will receive £300 and Claire £100 at a luncheon to be hosted at the Worshipful Company of Glovers of London at Plaisterers' Hall, One London Wall, London on 4 July.

The competition, which is open to all UK graphic design students, is
a key component of the British Glove Association's on-going campaign in support of safety of hands and fingers in the work place.

Entrants were required to design a poster campaign for a beer and
spirits company which is attention grabbing, impactful and hard
hitting. The campaign is required to make employees aware of the
serious hand injuries that can result if they do not wear gloves and
to raise the profile of health and safety at work and how wearing
gloves is an essential part of this. It should highlight the risk of
injuries from lacerations from broken glass, heat burns and chemical

According to the Health & Safety Executive, over one milion people
suffer an injury at work each year and many of these are hand injuries.

The winning posters will also be printed and, with the help of BGA
members, will be distributed to workplaces throughout the country.

The work of Bedford College students will on display in an end of term exhibition in June

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